Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 4- Mathematics: Friend or Foe? (The correct answer is Friend, just so you know)

Well, here's the one I know you've been waiting for... Mathematics!!! :D

Mathematics is, quite simply, the study of Quantity, Structure, Space and Change. (That's numbers and counting to you and me). 'So what's the big deal about counting?', you might be asking, or, 'Well, I get the counting, but where does it tie into STEM?'. Think of it like this. If NASA couldn't count down backwards, they'd never know when to launch their rockets. 

But seriously, Mathematics is very important. It's even fun. (Yeah yeah I know, I deserve to boiled in oil for that one, don't I?). Mathematics comes from the Greek "Mathema", meaning "learning, study, or science". The calculations made using Mathematics allow Scientists to analyze data and come to new conclusions and theories, Engineers to design new stuff, whether it be a bridge or a space shuttle, and it even allows Technologicians, (that's a nice way of saying 'Technology Geeks'), to redesign and invent things for us. Computers cell phones, televisions, radios, dishwashers, washing machines, pretty much all of the stuff that we use every day uses Mathematics either in its programming or in its design. 

Most importantly though, is how Mathematics helps us learn about our vast, awesome, and infinitely beautiful universe. Mathematics is what allows Astronomers to calculate, say, the dimensions of Black Holes, or the amount of radiation being emitted from a star. This might seem inane to some, but not if you're the one stuck in the  black hole, or if the star emitting deadly levels of radiation is our own lovely sun. 

Just to keep my record, I will now divide Mathematics into separate fields. 

Arithmetic: Has been described accurately as 123, it is really just lots of counting.
Algebra: Is definitely more fun, it deals with equations of the unknown.
Geometry: Shapes, and how they relate to each other.
Analysis: Exactly what it sounds like, these people take a lot of data and simply analyze it.

And, that's pretty much it about Mathematics. You may now congratulate yourself on successfully surviving my four week posts on STEM. 

Now we get into the fun stuff. Next week's focus: Astronomical Volcanology. (Bonus points if you know what that is!)

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